Everyone knows that feeling of writers block. The awful moment when you sit down on your computer ready to type something out and you realize that all the ideas swirling out of your head just won’t come out. You’re not quite sure which way you want to take your story, what type of characteristics you want you main characters to embody. You sit there and stare at the computer with a half written sentence not sure what to do next. This is how I was feeling about my photography business.
I started full of hope and possibilities ready to take on the world. And somewhere along the way I got writers block. All these visions and dreams in my head but not sure how to execute any of them.
Then through an awesome photographer Jennifer Chaney I was introduced to a wonderful world of Specialism and Jeff Jochum. Jeff, along with my fellow Team X-ers, have helped me to realize that my business needs to be an extension of me. My business is my dreams, my hopes, my fairy-tales manifested into real life possibilities.
So you wonder what’s happened to my writers block? What happens next on this fairy tale of mine? I want to experience real life fairy tales.
They happen every day when the bride and groom say “I do” during the most romantic day of their lives … their wedding day.